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Savvy Signatures!

Fourth graders practiced writing their signatures with quill and ink. What a unique way to get students engaged in signing their names! Who all can claim to have signed their name with quill and ink?

See You at the Pole 2024

Hillcrest students joined students across the nation to worship the Lord with song, scripture, and prayer! This optional event attracted many of our students.

Mesopotamian Cuneiform

Sixth graders have been studying Ancient Mesopotamia. They practiced writing Mesopotamian Cuneiform. They made a clay tablet or bowl and wrote on them in Cuneiform using a stylus.

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News & Events

TISA Accountability Report

Each district's TISA accountability report is required to be presented to the public for review and comment before the report is submitted to the department. The report must be submitted annually to the department by November 1st.  View Here. For public comment, email